Friday, August 31, 2018

It's Time to Begin Blogging Again

Hands pulling rope - tug of war

Recently, I've felt a strange kind of "pull" to begin blogging again.  I'm not sure where it comes from -- God? the Universe? the inside of my head? -- but it's there, nonetheless.

Today I received an email from Google asking me if I wanted to continue this blog?  That's as close to a "sign" as I need to start again.  Not today, because it's already 3:45 pm and I have no time free for writing.  But I hope to begin again tomorrow, this Labor Day weekend.

If ANYONE has watched this blog, or cared anything about my previous posts, I say "thank you" and "see you soon!"

Image result for clipart waving hello

Do you have a problem that you're struggling with?